7 Steps on How To Manage IT Infrastructure

How smooth is your business running? If you're constantly bumping into tech snags, it might be time to sharpen your skills in managing IT infrastructure

In this blog, you'll discover the essentials of IT infrastructure—what it is, why it's crucial to keep it in check, and the signs that you might need a bit of help in understanding how to manage IT infrastructure. 

Whether you're wrestling with slow systems or worried about security breaches, you're not alone. Continue to read below for more information about infrastructure management. 

How to manage IT infrastructure

What is effective IT infrastructure management? 

Before we jump to discussing how to manage IT infrastructure, let’s first define what it is. 

IT infrastructure refers to the entire collection of hardware, software, networks, and facilities necessary for operating, managing, and monitoring an enterprise IT environment.

Think of it as the backbone that supports and configures all your business operations. Proper IT infrastructure management allows for the seamless flow and management of information, supports your business applications, and ensures that communications, both internal and external, run smoothly.

For instance, in a typical office, effective infrastructure management would include the physical servers that store company data, the networking equipment like routers and switches that connect computers within the office and to the internet, and the software applications that employees use for daily tasks such as email and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. 

Each component of IT infrastructure plays a critical role, and managing them effectively ensures that your business can operate efficiently and respond swiftly to market or operational changes.

Areas in IT infrastructure

3 main areas in the entire IT infrastructure services

Do you know how to manage IT infrastructure and its main areas? Understanding the three main areas of IT infrastructure is crucial to ensuring everything works seamlessly and securely.


The backbone of your IT infrastructure is its hardware. This includes servers, computers, data centers, switches, hubs, and routers. Essentially, these are the physical devices that store and execute your business's data and applications.

For instance, servers host your data and run applications, while routers direct data traffic to ensure information is sent and received accurately across your network infrastructure.

Properly managed hardware ensures that these physical assets perform optimally and remain in good health, preventing downtime and other disruptions.


Software is what breathes life into your hardware. This area includes operating systems, applications, and management tools that make it possible for your hardware to perform useful tasks.

From the operating system that manages your servers’ resources to the applications that handle accounting, customer relationships, and more, the software allows your team to perform daily tasks efficiently.

It’s also where updates, upgrades, and patches happen, keeping your systems secure and functioning at their best.


None of the above would work without the network – a vital area that connects all parts of your IT infrastructure. It includes network devices such as routers and switches but also the software that controls them.

Network management ensures that data storage management flows smoothly between your computers, servers, and the outside world, enabling emails, file transfers, and online transactions. 

A robust network setup not only supports internal communications but also connects your business to its customers, facilitating everything from emails to cloud-based applications.

Signs you need help on managing IT infrastructure

Signs you need an infrastructure manager

Wondering if your IT setup might be dragging your business down? It's not always clear when IT infrastructure starts to fail you until critical issues arise. Here are signs you need help to achieve a well-managed IT infrastructure: 

  • Frequent system downtime
  • Slow network performance
  • Security breaches
  • Data loss
  • Overwhelmed IT staff
  • High IT costs without clear returns

Frequent system downtime

If your network or systems frequently go down, it's a red flag— especially when you don’t know how to manage IT infrastructure. This not only disrupts day-to-day operations but also affects customer satisfaction.

Frequent downtime suggests there might be underlying issues with your hardware or a need for more robust software solutions.

Slow network performance

When your applications run slower than usual or pages take forever to load, it could be due to outdated or insufficient network resources. Slow system performance often indicates inadequate bandwidth or aging hardware that needs upgrading.

Security breaches

If your company has suffered from security incidents like data breaches or malware attacks, it’s a stark indicator that your IT security measures are insufficient.

Knowing how to manage IT infrastructure is the first step in achieving effective IT infrastructure management. It also involves proactive security strategies to protect sensitive information and systems from threats.

Data loss

Losing critical business data can be disastrous. If backups are not regularly scheduled or fail to capture all necessary data, your IT infrastructure isn’t being managed correctly.

Regular and reliable backups are essential for data storage security and quick recovery after data loss incidents.

Overwhelmed IT staff

If your IT team is constantly fighting issues rather than focusing on strategic IT planning, it's a sign of poor infrastructure management. A well-managed IT system allows staff to concentrate on innovation and growth instead of constant troubleshooting.

High IT costs without clear returns

When you're investing heavily in your IT without seeing an improvement in performance or reduction in operational issues, it might mean your resources aren't being managed efficiently. Good IT management should optimize costs and enhance system efficiency.

Challenges in IT infrastructure

Common challenges in infrastructure management solutions

Don’t know how to manage IT infrastructure? Many businesses face similar hurdles, but identifying the common challenges in your IT systems is your first step toward more effective management.

Keeping up with technological advances

Technology evolves at a lightning pace, and staying current is critical but challenging.

You must regularly update your systems and software to maintain security and efficiency. This continuous need for upgrades can strain your budget and overwhelm your IT staff, who must stay trained on the latest advancements.

Balancing cost with efficiency

Cost management is a major concern. High-quality IT infrastructure isn't cheap, and skimping on quality can lead to bigger problems down the line.

You need to find a balance where your spending on technology reflects its value to your business, ensuring good returns on your IT investments.

Ensuring data security and compliance

Protecting sensitive data and managing data storage is more important than ever, especially with increasing cyber threats and regulatory demands.

Implementing robust security measures and keeping up with compliance can be daunting. It requires a proactive approach to security protocols and a thorough understanding of compliance requirements in your industry.

Scaling IT operations

As your business grows, so do your IT needs. Do you know how to manage IT infrastructure? Scaling IT infrastructure to match business growth is a critical challenge.

It involves not just adding more hardware or software but also ensuring that your network can handle increased loads and that your IT team can manage the expanded operations.

Integrating new technologies

Integrating new technologies into an existing IT setup is another common hurdle.

Whether transitioning to cloud services or adopting new software, each integration must be planned and executed without disrupting ongoing operations. It requires careful planning and, often, expert advice.

Best practices in managing IT infrastructure

Best practices in how to manage IT infrastructure

Feeling unsure about how to manage IT infrastructure efficiently? Many business owners need help with the intricacies of IT management. So, let's help you identify the steps. 

  • Step 1: Conduct regular assessments
  • Step 2: Update and upgrade systematically
  • Step 3: Implement strong security measures
  • Step 4: Automate where possible
  • Step 5: Ensure data backup and recovery
  • Step 6: Foster scalability
  • Step 7: Provide ongoing training and support

Step 1: Conduct regular assessments

Start by evaluating your existing IT infrastructure. Identify the age of your hardware and the updates needed for your software development, and assess network performance. Regular maintenance helps you understand your current capabilities and pinpoint areas needing improvement.

Step 2: Update and upgrade systematically

Once you know where you stand, plan your updates and upgrades. This isn’t just about keeping software up-to-date but also ensuring that hardware can handle current demands. Outdated systems are slower and more vulnerable to security risks.

Step 3: Implement strong security measures

Security is non-negotiable. Implement comprehensive security measures, including firewalls, anti-virus software, and encryption protocols. Regularly update these defenses and train your team on security best practices to safeguard against cyber threats.

Step 4: Automate where possible

Automation can significantly enhance efficiency. Identify repetitive tasks that can be automated, such as data backups, system updates, and even some network monitoring tasks. Automation reduces human error and frees up your team for more strategic work.

Step 5: Ensure data backup and recovery

Always have a robust data backup and recovery plan. Regular backups and disaster recovery protect against data loss during hardware failure, cyber-attacks, or natural disasters. Ensure your backup systems are tested regularly to be reliable when you need them most.

Step 6: Foster scalability

Plan for future growth by ensuring your successful IT infrastructure can scale as your business expands. This might mean investing in scalable cloud computing or ensuring that your on-premise setups can be easily upgraded to handle increased loads.

Step 7: Provide ongoing training and support

Keep your team up-to-date with the latest IT developments. Regular training ensures that your staff can manage new technologies and follow best practices in IT management. Supportive, knowledgeable staff are critical to smooth operations.

Why choose 365 Managed IT

Simplify IT infrastructure management with 365 Managed IT

Need help managing your IT infrastructure? It's not just you. Implementing an IT infrastructure management can feel like a full-time job on its own. From ensuring robust security to scaling your systems with your growing business, the tasks are critical but demanding. Here’s where we step in. 

At 365 Managed IT, we understand how to manage IT infrastructure— properly and efficiently. We turn these complexities into streamlined processes and provide customized IT solutions that align perfectly with your business needs.

Whether it’s enhancing system security, optimizing software, or proactive maintenance, our team is ready to help you improve your productivity and business operations without the stress.

Our partnership means more than just fixing problems as they arise. We work with you to prevent potential issues and plan for future growth. This proactive approach ensures your IT infrastructure not only meets today's needs but also adapts to future demands.

Ready to make IT management a hassle-free aspect of your business? Reach out to us. Let us empower your business with technology solutions that drive success. With our around-the-clock support and expert team, your IT infrastructure is in capable hands.

Frequently asked questions

What are the best practices for managing a server to enhance productivity?

Effective server management is crucial to maintaining high productivity levels within an organization. Key practices include regular updates, using configuration management tools, and ensuring your infrastructure management team is well-trained. This helps streamline systems management, reducing downtime and improving overall efficiency.

How can implementing best practices for managing IT infrastructure improve business outcomes?

Adopting best practices for managing robust IT infrastructure, such as regular audits and adherence to proven infrastructure management processes, directly contributes to better business outcomes. These practices ensure that technology infrastructure supports business goals effectively, enhancing overall performance and business value.

What are the essential components of a data center?

A data center's key infrastructure components include physical infrastructure like servers and storage, network management systems, and infrastructure management tools. Ensuring these elements are well-configured and maintained is crucial for the data center to operate efficiently and securely.

How does effective disaster recovery contribute to IT infrastructure resilience?

Effective disaster recovery strategies are a vital part of IT infrastructure that helps businesses quickly recover from data loss or system failures. Utilizing infrastructure components designed for quick restoration and implementing robust backup systems management can significantly reduce recovery time and impact.

What constitutes good IT infrastructure in today's business environment?

Good IT infrastructure comprises well-integrated hardware and software that deliver IT services efficiently and reliably. This includes having a solid physical infrastructure, updated technology infrastructure, and an adept infrastructure management team that together ensures seamless operations.

How do key infrastructure elements shape the management of IT services?

Key infrastructure elements like network devices and servers are essential for delivering IT services. They form part of the IT infrastructure whose effective management ensures that these services are delivered efficiently and can scale with the demands of the business.

What role does configuration management play in IT infrastructure management?

Configuration management is crucial in IT infrastructure management as it helps track and control infrastructure elements at different lifecycle stages. This practice ensures that all parts of the IT infrastructure are aligned with business needs, supporting overall strategy and enhancing infrastructure reliability.